Paranoid Android
Everybody knows Yahoo is doing it’s European version of Hackday in London in early June. I’ve seen Yahoo’s presentation about the US version on eTech and it clicked on me. It’s a great idea for a variety of reasons: Team and company morale boost, tell the outside world what you have, image building amongst the developers community, a great way to find new talent and eventually recruit some, a free test-bed for your infra-structure and APIs, and a great environment for new ideas.…
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Apple TV
So don’t ask how (or why) but I got my hands on the Apple TV for a week now. Much has been said about this cute living room apple fruit, but maybe the hacker’s perspective hasn’t gone into much analysis yet. Hacking was the trigger for me. I wasn’t convinced by the iLife sync stuff nor the HDMI output, but the enormous list of hacks during the first week, while I was in San Diego, clicked on me.…
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Led lamps
There’s an emerging technology in illumination: Led lamps. LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) have been around for ages, first used massively in the early electronics age, then applied to many decorative solutions, now they’re being used to provide mass market illumination products AKA ordinary lamps!.
LED’s advantages in a nutshell are very low power consumption (2-3 watts), very low heat (the energy is almost all transformed into light), very long life (10 years) and a unique kind of light that incandescent, fluorescent or halogen lamps can’t produce.…
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10 reasons to meltdown your Harddisk
10 reasons to meltdown your Harddisk:
You realize you’re an idiot for not having a recent backup. You realize you’re a complete idiot for not having a backup at all (you had to delete the other one because you needed the space for MAME roms). You find the real value of storing all your E-Mail on an IMAP server. You realize you should have the Sent folder on IMAP too. You find that your old Powerbook G4, now restored from scratch, is still a great machine to work with for next year, and therefore you save a bunch of money.…
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Vamos Reunir ?
Ainda dentro da mesma linha. As reuniões, essa infindável fonte de matéria prima para tiras do Dilbert, são a prova provada de que as organizações empresariais modernas não funcionam e que estão erradas. E não, não preciso de ter um MBA em gestão empresarial para ter legitimidade para dizer isto, a minha experiência profissional basta-me. As pessoas “reúnem-se” em exagero porque naturalmente, deixando a cultura corporativa fazer o seu trabalho, as soluções não aparecem.…
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