Paranoid Android
Hackday London
Everything has been said about Hackday London already, so I’ll skip the detailed description bit. This is just a quick note to say that BBC and Y! rocked. We had loads of fun and learned a lot too.
The hack that we submitted didn’t won any prize, so we were clearly robbed there (maybe if the timer guy hadn’t shut us down during our presentation, bah…) but still a very big thumbs up to anyone on the list, to the jury, the winners, and to ourselves too.…
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Bought the iWoz book in London last weekend and read it all during my trip to Seattle (more on this later, I promise). The book is sort of a biography from Steve Wozniak, his relationships and life, entrepreneurship, and a big emphasis on the Apple I and the Apple creation.
The book is as easy reading as it gets, and because of the simple and sincere way Woz exposes his personal fears and secrets it’s really passionate reading for geeks of all ages.…
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Iliteracia em literacia digital
Eu confesso que sou pro-”qualquer um que em vez de se lamuriar meta mãos à obra” mesmo que o dito cujo acerte ao lado uma vez ou outra. O saldo dos determinados é sempre a média dos seus sucessos e insucessos, e normalmente é sempre positivo, é sempre melhor do que reclamar e nenhum fazer.
E é por isso que não sou de políticas. Mesmo sendo deformado por uma educação mais à direita do que à esquerda (seja lá o que isso for), é com a maior das naturalidades que entre amigos tenho elogiado uma série de medidas do actual governo e de alguns ministros que têm tido a coragem de executar decisões difíceis e impopulares nas mais diversas áreas da nossa sociedade.…
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Hyped Gears
Today, a particularly stressful day at work, a came across several E-Mail and IM threads about Google Gears with my friends and colleagues. I finally had the time to look into it more seriously and I feel I should point out that I don’t share the global excitement everyone seems to suffer from.
Google Gears anticipates what browsers should have already and clones what Zimbra envisioned months ago, I fail to understand the wow effect, really.…
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SAPO Messenger for Mac, Public Beta
This is worth a note. After almost two years of development we’re finally gone public with our SAPO Messenger for Mac and are going high-profile on it. It’s been one of the must fun projects on the company, much to be learned from it (a making-of story is a must on this one, I’m convincing João, Pedro and the rest of the crowd to make one). The project is also Opensourced, also one of the biggest commitments and investments we’ve made with the community so far.…
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