Paranoid Android
10 things I hate about the iPhone...
…that most people don’t mention.
It has no frakng 801.2X support. This means no corporate Wifi and in no transparent authentication in some public Wifi networks.
Again public Wifi networks. I think Apple should look into this carefully because it’s all about ease of use and commodity. What’s the point on having a gorgeous transition between GPRS/EDGE and Wifi if I’ll be stuck in a crippled Hotspot HTML page to logon ?…
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12 anos
Nesta altura fico sempre lamechas e meio estúpido mas a nostalgia faz parte da minha natureza, é difícil de evitar. Há 12 anos atrás eu, o Júnior, o João Luís, o Hélder, o Sérgio e o Fernando tivemos a brilhante ideia, sabemos hoje, de dar o pontapé de saída no batráquio na Universidade de Aveiro. Desde 1995 que eu não faço (quase) mais nada senão ajudar a tocar isto para a frente.…
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It’s done
Courage, persistence and hard-work will always make the impossible, possible. Took me about 6h30m hours of unprecedentedly (nano)hardware fiddling, with soldering skills I wasn’t aware I had (no needles, that sucked too), but fuck, I did it. Geohot‘s method, fully unlocked, not the silvercard/supersim crap. Works. Check the gallery. off to bed now.…
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Interview with George Hotz on MSNBC
Geohot’s accomplishment is all over the web my now so I won’t comment on it any further but this MSNBC live interview with him is worth watching. George is an remarkable hardware guy but above all, it’s his motivation and his ethics that are worth mentioning. He’s a true hacker.
I and a few friends actually followed the whole story on IRC live, when he wrote the step-by-step tutorial on the Blog.…
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Toolchain & UIKit ready
Ok guys this is warning. Lots of iPhone related posts will follow. I know it’s sick and you’re not interested but there’s just too much fun going on here, sorry. This is your chance to unsubscribe this feed or drop this blog.
This post is dedicated to João Pavão and João Pedro. These two (img1, img2) images are self-explanatory. :p
Two nights struggling with pre-alpha software, sparse docs and a couple of problems due to my “non 10.…
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